Heel Pain
A broad term that encompasses a multitude of pathologies to this specific area of the foot. Heel pain can be
posterior, plantar or lateral in nature. It is usually the result of inflammation of bursal sac’s, underlying
fascia or a result of nerve irritation to the area. Other causes of heel pain include: Sever's disease or
calcaneal apophysitis, calcaneal fracture, nerve impingements, repetitive trauma, tumors/ cancers, skin
damage or ulcerations, tendon ruptures, foreign bodies, cystic lesions, diabetic neuropathy as well as many
other muscle skeletal, bony, circulatory and neurological diseases.
Your podiatrist will sort through the many possible causes of your heel pain, with the aid of radiologic and
clinical examination. A recommendation will usually start out conservative, with NSAID's, oral corticosteroids,
shoe inserts and padding. If the desired result is not achieved conservatively, more invasive procedures such
as corticosteroid injections and surgery may be discussed.
This material is only provided as helpful information and you should always go to your medical doctor or podiatrist for a professional diagnosis.