Mortons Toe
If your 2nd toe is bigger than your big toe, you have Mortons toe (also called "long toe or Greek toe”).
It is described as a shortened first metatarsal in relation to the second metatarsal. The condition may
or may not result in the second toe extending farther than the great toe. Although commonly described as
a disorder, it is more like a normal variant of foot shape. The main symptom experienced due to Morton's toe
is discomfort and callusing of the second metatarsal head. This is because the first metatarsal head would
normally bear the majority of a person's body weight during the propulsive phases of gait, but these forces
are transferred to the second (smaller) metatarsal head because of its anterior positioning.
A change in footwear may be all that is needed to manage the condition. Shoes that have wide toe boxes or
toe areas may accommodate this foot type better. If you can't find shoes with wider toe boxes, try buying
shoes that are a half size bigger. Longer shoes can accommodate your longer second toe. If the problem continues,
custom molded orthotics may be needed to help align, pad and protect your feet.
This material is only provided as helpful information and you should always go to your medical doctor or podiatrist for a professional diagnosis.