Ingrown Toe Nails
Ingrown toe nails are foreign body reactions as the nail plate penetrates its soft tissue borders.
Causes include, improperly trimmed toenails, incurvated nail plates, dry, crumbly, fungal toe nails
and repetitive trauma or pressure. Teenagers are more likely to have increased problems with ingrown toenails.
Treatment involves removal of the foreign body or nail and supporting antibiotic treatment of the infected wound.
Removal of the nail may be preformed by a slant back procedure, where the impinging corner is removed; a partial / total
temporary nail avulsion, where the nail is removed all the way back to the growth center or nail matrix; or
a partial / total permanent matrixectomy, where the growth center of the nail is removed to prevent further
growth of nail at that site.
This material is only provided as helpful information and you should always go to your medical doctor or podiatrist for a professional diagnosis.