AIDS and Your Feet
There are thousands of people who become newly infected with HIV each day. The Human immunodeficiency virus weakens the body’s immune system
so that it cannot defend itself from microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. People who are infected with HIV may not develop
AIDS for many years. They may appear to be healthy and normal, but it is important to understand that they can pass the virus to others
even though they may have not yet developed full blown AIDS.
Different illnesses affecting AIDS patients include severe diarrhea, pneumonia, tuberculosis, skin cancer, fever, peripheral neuropathy
and skin infections. Peripheral neuropathy is a disease that affects the nerves outside the central nervous system including those going
to the hands and feet producing numbness, insensitivity, and stiffness in the limbs. This can lead to foot deformities such as bunions,
hammertoes, and metatarsalgia. Care should be sought immediately to prevent more serious problems such as ulcers and amputations.
Peripheral Neuropathy
Approximately 30% of those with AIDS develop peripheral neuropathy, a disease of the nerves. Insensitivity, loss of ability to feel pain,
heat and cold may develop. The danger in this is that minor cuts, scrapes, blisters, pressure sores may go on unnoticed and left untreated.
The neglected wounds may then progress to bone infections, cellulitis, or amputations.
Causes of AIDS
AIDS develops from HIV virus. The origin can be traced to an African primate subspecies
chimpanzee. HIV virus is found in body fluids such as: blood, vaginal secretions, semen,
breast milk. Therefore the virus can be passed on by the following:
- Sex with an infected person
- Mother to unborn child
- Transfusions with infected blood
- Injections with non-sterile equipment
One of the highest age groups infected with HIV virus is young adults under 25. They account
for about half of all new HIV infections in the U.S. alone.
Treatment of AIDS & Your Feet
AIDS is the second leading cause of death among people between the ages of 25 and 44. Because
of this fact special attention must be focused on foot health management in the AIDS patient.
Footwear and Insoles play an important role.
If you have AIDS and are experiencing and foot problem immediately consult your foot doctor.
This material is only provided as helpful information and you should always go to your medical doctor or podiatrist for a professional diagnosis.